What's A-Hobbyin'? Miniatures of Hobby Past!

Warhammer Hobby Blog

Welcome to What’s A-Hobbyin’? - the personal Warhammer hobby blog of our website’s glorious and fragrant founder, Jamie Evans. Jamie has been a bit slack on the hobby front recently, so today he shares some of his favourite Age of Sigmar miniatures from times past, at least some of which have never been seen before online.

Bloodstoker (AKA Vekh the Flayer)

Howdy-do, fellow surfers of the interwebs! I’m resurrecting this one-time hobby blog after a very long absence, partly to motivate myself to get more painting done, and partly because there’s currently a woeful lack of actual painted miniatures on this here Warhammer fan site - and what’s Warhammer without the miniatures? It’s just a mountain of useless dice and a stack of beautifully illustrated books that need to be replaced every two-to-three years, that’s what!

Since I haven’t completed many painting projects in the last few weeks (though I’ve started a few), I thought I’d share some older stuff that you may not have seen. First up is this Bloodstoker, which was only the second model I painted for Age of Sigmar, back in 2015. That first starter box really was incredible, and every time I look at this guy I’m reminded of the particular thrill that Age of Sigmar gave many of us in the early days. It’s a great sculpt, and remains one of my favourite miniatures in my collection to this day.

Warhammer Hobby Blog - Blades of Khorne

Darkoath Chieftain (Silver Tower)

I don’t remember the exact date that I painted this Darkoath Chieftain - it was the year that Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower came out. He was originally part of that set of course, which I still have largely unpainted on my pile of shame.

I’d seen a lot of pale-skinned takes on this guy, so I wanted to go in the opposite direction. The result blends Conan-esque and African tribal influences (note the the face paint and ochre-coloured hair). This was my first, and so far only attempt at painting dark skin.

I loved the look of this guy so much that I considered building a whole army of Darkoath dino-riders, which would have drawn in even more African tribal influences. It’s still there at the back of my mind, so perhaps one day…

Warhammer Hobby Blog - Silver Tower

Gaunt Summoner (Silver Tower)

This guy is also from the Silver Tower box, but was painted much more recently, towards the end of last year - I’m very slowly making my way through the box!

It’s almost unheard of for me to attempt to paint something in the style of the ‘Eavy Metal miniatures that appear in official images, but with the Gaunt Summoner I wanted to challenge myself. The results clearly aren’t as refined as the ‘Eavy Metal standard, but I got close enough to satisfy myself.

Warhammer Hobby Blog - Silver Tower

Skink Musician (Lizarmen, Warhammer Fantasy)

Here’s something of an outlier! In spring of last year I found myself on an incredibly strong nostalgia kick, and suddenly I wanted - no, needed - to have some classic WHFB Lizardmen in my life!

I got hold of some of the old metal miniatures and painted up this Skink Musician as a test model. Oh man, it’s hard to go back to painting these lumpy metal models after being spoiled with crisply-detailed plastics for so long!

I tried to match the colour scheme of the old ‘Eavy Metal skinks fairly closely (the salamander goaders specifically, as that’s my favourite skink scheme), and I even got hold of some genuine Goblin Green paint for the base!

Warhammer Hobby Blog - Lizardmen

Jakkob Bugmansson XI

Finally we come to my most recently painted model - the limited edition Christmas exclusive, Jakkob Bugmansson XI. I bought this model on a complete whim (as if there’s any other way to buy a model), and I’m so glad I did.

I haven’t enjoyed painting a model quite this much for a long time. It’s so characterful, and it has lots of different textures to practice with. There’s even the opportunity for some freehand ‘beer-sloshing’ work on the back. I also really enjoyed the Barak Thryng colour scheme I picked, so much so that it’s got me wanting to paint a little Kharadron warband to accompany Jakkob for some games of Warcry.

Also, this is probably the best face I’ve ever painted - look at his boozy red nose!

Warhammer Hobby Blog - Kharadron Overlords

That brings the soft relaunch of my Warhammer hobby blog to a close! It will remain an occasional thing, since I’m a very slow painter, but this time around it will be more occasional than ‘almost never’. Let’s say roughly every fortnight! Next time we meet, I hope to have a Goliath gang painted for Necromunda - but I’m a fickle fellow, so who knows!

See you next time friends!