Festivals of the Mortal Realms

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Day 4 of the Realm of Plastic advent calendar is upon us, and it’s not just us Earthans celebrating the festive season. At any given moment, all across the Mortal Realms, hundreds of thousands of grubby peasants and twisted cultists are engaged in rustic revelry and dark rites.

Now you too can catch a glimpse of their depraved doings via the magic of the Festivals of the Mortal Realms generator. Engage in pointless traditions with murky origins, praise whichever deity you find least objectionable and dance ‘til you drop (dead). Probably best you don’t touch the food though - Nurgle’s mitts have been all over those sausage rolls.


Check out the rest of the Realm of Plastic Advent Calendar 2019 here.